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Am I back to blogging? Where have I been? What have I been up to? A short friendly post about nothing at all, really.


I’ve been posting more lately, here and at my other blogs.  But the short answer about whether I’m really back is… not officially.

We’re standing right on the cusp of the 2-year anniversary of when I stopped blogging – July of 2015.  That’s when we flew to Canada and life kicked into high gear in so many ways.  (Or, as I usually put it, “all hell broke loose.”)

Essentially, my ongoing attempts to work as a freelancer began taking off the minute we arrived in my mother’s basement in Toronto in July 2015, leading to a flurry of nonstop activity that was good because that, in turn, led to money, but was bad because it took time away from blogging, which I love.

Oh, yeah, and my family.  I may be home a lot, but I’m not with my family as often as I’d like.

And blogging has had to fall by the wayside.  As clearly it has.  I mean, the stats don’t lie.  Here are numbers for each year of each of my blogs:

This blog, Adventures in MamaLand:


My aliyah blog, Adventures in AliyahLand:


My kosher food blog, Adventures in BreadLand:


And finally, my children’s writing blog, Write Kids’ Books:


So… this year looks like it’s better so far.  I mean, it’s already June and I’ve written 51 blog posts.  Compared to 2016, when I only wrote 39 altogether.

Phew.  Frankly, it all sounds utterly exhausting.

And we’re just about to travel to Canada again, which makes me wonder why I bother blogging.  I’ve written here before that blogging has changed a ton since I first started writing here in 2005… but it continues to be more and more true.

Certainly, I’m not getting rich off my blogs, though there is some money coming in, which is nice.  (Thanks for clicking on the sponsor links!!!)

I just have a lot of other stuff on the go.  Like what, you ask???


  • Work
    • Writing (articles, essays, press releases, marketing content, and more)
    • Translating
    • Editing
    • Writing children’s books (I put it here and down below because it’s sort of a hobby – but every once in a blue moon I sell one and then some money comes in, so it kind of counts as work…)
  • School (Did I mention I went back to school???  Yup.  Doing a Master’s.  Online, but it’s a real university.  Full-time)
  • Hobbies
    • Writing children’s books
      • Writing the durn things
      • Writing critique group #1
      • Writing critique group #2
      • Sending the things out to agents and editors – again, once in a blue moon…
    • Blogging
    • Cooking for my family
  • Volunteering (only once a week, teaching English)
  • Raising my family
    • Educating my kids in the Important Things over the summers
  • Living life

Wow.  It sure doesn’t look like I do very much, if you put it that way.  But I promise you, every single minute of every single day feels far busier than I like.  Which I guess means I like it that way?  Who knows.

I want to blog more, that’s for sure.  So if 2017 ends up being the year I come back, I’d be very, very happy.  Words of love and encouragement are also always helpful.  Every writer likes feeling like there’s someone out there reading.

I sure hope it’s you!


Tzivia / צִיבְיָה


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