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Homeschool Blog Meme

Haven’t done one of these in a while… Chelle in NZ very kindly tagged me from her blog, and it looked like fun.

Here are the questions!

1. One homeschooling book you have enjoyed

Most influential has probably been The Well-Trained Mind, by Susan Wise Bauer, if only because there’s not a single Charlotte Mason book that I have absolutely loved cover to cover (though When Children Love to Learn is very practical and helpful).  Oh, and did I mention Biblical Home Education, by Ruth Beechick?  It’s a Christian perspective, but very helpful in terms of figuring out the basics of homeschooling.

(wait a minute… did it say ONE book???) :-)

2. One resource you wouldn't be without

The computer!

3. One resource you wish you had never bought

None have been so bad that I have regretted owning them.  Kind of annoyed at Elemental Science, though, as I mentioned last week… and Spelling Workout was also a flop.  Chalk it up to “Living n’ Learning!”

4. One resource you enjoyed last year

image Living Learning Books Science – not enough buzz about this old-fashioned fun week by week booklist-with-activities curriculum.  I put in a link to Rainbow’s site to make it super-easy for more people to look this over.

5. One resource you will be using next year

No idea!  I’d love to continue with Story of the World, and go as far in Explode the Code, Handwriting Without Tears and JUMP Math as we can.  But secular curriculum comes and goes according to our needs… but for sure, we will still be using our siddur (prayerbook) and chumash (Bible)!

6. One resource you would like to buy

Actually, we’re okay right now.  I think we have everything we need.  Though there is always a need for more glue sticks, paper, pencils, etc!

image7. One resource you wish existed

Better, more professional, slick-looking, easy-to-use resources for Jewish studies.  (did I mention well-illustrated?)  Where are all the talented Jewish writers, artists, teachers???  I look through the Christian sites and feel SOooo jealous of all their fabulous Bible stories and interactive, fun resources, and feel like Jewish sites and publishers are still  mired in the 1960s and 70s.

8. One homeschool catalogue you enjoy reading

Rainbow!!!  SOOooo hooked on this catalogue!

9. One homeschooling website you use regularly

The Well-Trained Mind Forums – what a time-waster!

10. Tag six other homeschoolers… in no particular order, utterly unrelated to how much I like them or their blogs!

    1. Michelle at Lionden Landing
    2. Mommzy at A Jewish Homeschool Blog
    3. Michelle at The Holistic Homeschooler
    4. Melissa at Melissa’s Homeschool Blog
    5. Kerith at Learning Al Pi Darko
    6. Mama Squirrel at Dewey’s Treehouse (UPDATE:  she must be psychic - her answers have been up since 2006!)

If you’ve been tagged, here are the questions, in easy copy & paste format for your convenience.  I’d love to see your picks!

1. One homeschooling book you have enjoyed
2. One resource you wouldn't be without
3. One resource you wish you had never bought
4. One resource you enjoyed last year
5. One resource you will be using next year
6. One resource you would like to buy
7. One resource you wish existed
8. One homeschool catalogue you enjoy reading
9. One homeschooling website you use regularly
10. Tag six other homeschoolers

Even if I haven’t tagged you – which is not for lack of love, I assure you, feel free to answer the questions and post a link in the comments section!!!


  1. Thanks for including me! I think this is a meme that's making multiple circles this month--I posted my answers back in August (click on my signature).

  2. Thank you for asking me to join in.

  3. Enjoyed (!!) reading your replies, thanks for playing along.


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