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Working on the Pesach 2011 Lapbook!

Most of the mini-books in this post are from my GIANT 2011 Pesach Lapbook.  This post is being updated periodically as we keep working on the lapbook!

Setting the Pesach table (matchbook)…

erev spring 003 

Mah Nishtana / Four Questions Four-Tab book:

erev spring 006 erev spring 009

She drew and glued quite close to the top of the pages, so I used shiny packing tape to bind the book rather than staples.  This way, it opens flat:  another perk.  she customized a couple of the pages, and the cover, with her own doodles as well.

 erev spring 010 erev spring 011

She kvetched quite a bit as she was doing this, mostly because she’s still not feeling 100%, and she was exhausted from our busy day yesterday.  I think she was very proud of the result once it was finished.

She later had a 2-hour nap and is currently in the tub getting ready for Shabbos!

(Oops… looks like I forgot to post this in my haste to shut down yesterday!)

Another couple of pieces from Sunday:

cards 001 cards 002

Ted did an art class while I was out, and she worked on her own pictures for the ten makkos.  They turned out great, so I’m including them as an accordion book (click each strip for a close-up).  I’m keeping her “Ten Makoos” heading, because it’s too darn cute not to immortalize!

makkos 001makkos 002

Update – Monday, April 4:

Today we had a jammies/sick day (what?  Mommies don’t get sick!), so I was grateful to have tons of meaningful busywork for Naomi’s and my hands.  I started putting everything together into the folder…

lappy 019 

This is a single file folder, folded in the basic “lap folder” way.  (see here for how to fold a file folder).  I have added two “flaps” inside because there are so many bits and pieces to stick in, making this our biggest, thickest lap book/folder ever.

On the top of one of the “flaps” inside, I stuck the “Hebrews in Egypt” minibook from the Heart of Wisdom Exodus Lapbook (free, but it’s a Christian site, so I can’t vouch for the site content), along with the “Haggadah” mini-book with the Moshe story from my own lapbook.  Between the two stories, Naomi is writing “Story of Pesach.”  She wrote Pesach in Hebrew – backwards.

lappy 011 lappy 016

Putting together the “4 cups” mini-book:

lappy 009

Here’s what you see as you open the lapbook…

lappy 015

Left inside flap:  “Can We Eat It on Pesach?"  Right inside flap:  Four Names, Matchbook “invitation”, Four Questions tab book.

Now, flip open the left-hand flap to see…

lappy 014

Ten Makkos accordion and song on the inside of the flap, plus “erev Pesach” circle and Preparing for Pesach mini-book on the top of the right-hand flap.  Which you can flip open to reveal…

lappy 013 

Not quite finished, but this is placement for the 3 matzahs, four sons, fifteen “seder steps” and the four cups mini-books.  On the bottom side of the right-hand flap are “We Change our Tefillah,” “Where in the World” and a mini Omer Counter.

Not everything is finished, but Naomi is VERY excited to see it all coming together.


  1. I want to adopt Ten Makoos as my preferred pronunciation. Way too adorable!


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