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Homeschool Diary #10: 7 Shevat, 5771


As per usual…this week I have totally lost my grip on any semblance of control over our home and homeschool!  I’m DROWNING in paper… everywhere I look, papers, papers, papers.  Gaaaaah!

So what have we done so far this week?  What’s still to come?  Let’s try to piece it all together!


  • GENERAL/SCIENCE/PARSHA:  Animation!  This took all morning and then some.
  • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  We finally had snow, so Elisheva and her friends took Naomi out tobogganing.

PRESCHOOL:  This was GZ’s week to go with Elisheva to the drop-in program where she volunteers every Sunday.  He had tons of fun!


  • HEBREW:  continue reading/writing – Kriyah v’Od, Book 1
  • SCIENCE:  Five senses week 2!  HEARING:  short reading selections
  • SCIENCE:  Hearing narration & illustration
  • MATH:  Continuing with Judy Clock book
  • MATH:  (self-selected) simple money math worksheet
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek (2x)
  • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  Naomi’s ballet class – back again!
  • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  Swim classes for both kids

PRESCHOOL:  Continued with Getting Ready to Read workbook.  Downloaded freebie Simple Scissor Practice.  His scissor skills are terrible!  He mostly likes to start a cut and then RIP the rest of the page across.  Kind of like an episiotomy (ouch!).  I was worried he wouldn’t like swimming lessons in the big crowded high school pool near us, but he LOVED it!


  • (missed davening due to aerobics class)
  • MATH:  Impromptu money-math lesson while GZ was away – Naomi brought out a bunch of coins and made me add them up; we played “trading” money for Cuisenaire rods and back again for a while.
  • WRITING:  Handwriting Without Tears – oh, no… she is HATING the lowercase letters!  She’s really careless with them and I have to correct her over and over… the worst possible scenario, but I know it will get better.
  • PHONICS:  Explode the Code (only one page because writing took so long)
  • SCIENCE:  Coloured and cut out EARS for our traced full-sized bodies
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek (2x)
  • HEBREW:  Read the “Buttons/כפתור שעבד” story from our current Hebrew book-in-translation, Frog and Toad are Friends/ צפרדי וקרפד חברים  (this is a story we LOVE in English, and it went over well in Hebrew, too!)

PRESCHOOL:  Um… betrayed the homeschool universe by taking GZ to a 2-hour drop-off “preschool” in Cedarvale Park.  Once again, I wasn’t sure if he’d like it.  He asked a few times if I would stay and I just said, “no, it’s a program where the mommies come back for their kids afterwards.”  He had a GREAT time, and Naomi and I had a lovely walk back home and some quality at-home schooling time together!

imageWednesday (Ted home):

  • PARSHA:  Beshalach parsha narrative
  • PARSHA:  Beshalach in My First Parsha Reader
  • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  Outdoor play with Ted!
  • MATH:  Tried out a bunch of “JUMP Math” number sense worksheets – she loved them, and asked to do more!
  • READING:  Review last week’s BOB Book, answer questions
  • READING:  One new BOB Book, two Dick & Jane stories
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek (1x)
  • HEBREW:  Read the “Bathing Suit”/בגד ים story in צפרדי וקרפד.

PRESCHOOL:  Um, nothing?  I did absolutely nothing to engage my little preschooler today.  He played a ton with his Abba, and even went outside in the snow, so he counted it as a happy day and that’s what counts.


I always try to cram too much stuff into Thursdays, and tomorrow (which is already today) is no exception!

  • SOCIAL/RECREATIONAL:  Drop-in gym time 1/2 hour at Mrs. ViKi across the street – our first time this year!
  • HEBREW:  continue reading/writing – Kriyah v’Od, Book 1
  • HEBREW:  continue Hebrew alef-beit website (haven’t done it in a while)
  • SCIENCE:  EARS and HEARING experiment(s) from the Living Learning Science workbook (glitter plus water in a soda bottle to show “dizziness”)
  • SCIENCE:  INNER EAR colouring page and labelling
  • WRITING:  Handwriting Without Tears – oh, no… she is HATING the lowercase letters!  She’s really careless with them and I have to correct her over and over… the worst possible scenario, but I know it will get better.
  • PHONICS:  Explode the Code (only one page because writing took so long)
  • READING:  continue with the next Starfall book
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek (1x)
  • HEBREW:  Read “The Letter”/המכתב story from צפרדי וקרפד

PRESCHOOL:  Starfall book – maybe start reading actual books, or just continue reviewing letters.

Friday (Ted off):

  • DAVENING if there’s time – I’m supposed to tutor at 10:00. :-o
  • PARSHA:  Final Parsha review
  • PARSHA/NARRATION:  Parsha Narration & illustration
  • PARSHA:  Gdcast parsha video (reward for the narration)
  • GENERAL/RECREATIONAL:  Shopping for Shabbos game?
  • MATH/SCIENCE:  Baking with the kids?

What are your kids up to this week???  If you teach your children at home, all or part of the time, please link to your blog in the comments section below! 

Other “weekly challenges” that will probably interest you a lot!


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