As Elisheva just said, “it’s not a very good compliment if you say ‘the best picture of me is the blurry one.’” But we took a bunch; this was the best.
The new glasses look JUST like the old ones. Slightly squarer, I think, and slightly smaller, but then, I don’t have a good sense of these things.
Boy, were they expensive.
Glasses stores are sneaky because the only price tag you see is on the frame. Who can’t afford $100 or so for glasses? But that is JUST for the frame. Lenses are extra; extra-thin lenses so I don’t look like I’m wearing Coke bottles are extra; special coatings so they don’t scratch or glare are extra (and cannot be removed from the charge, I was told, because the super-thin lenses only come with coatings).
But at least now…
Oh, yeah! Under the sway of the super-low end-of-year (FRAME) prices, and the fact that I cannot buy magnetic clip-on sunglasses anymore, I suckered myself into buying a REALLY snazzy pair of sunglasses. They are Ray-Ban. They’re going to take a couple of weeks to make, but here’s a sneak preview:
You're stylin' now!