Wow, this has been Elisheva’s best birthday ever, I think.
What has she gotten? Portable DVD player, stack of DVDs, Fasta Pasta microwave pasta cooker, rock climbing date with Sara (I think). Plus, an MP3 player and speakers are on their way from Grandma in Calgary.
My favourite?
Well, it’s from me, of course.
It’s the new graphic novel Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword (subtitle: Yet Another Troll-Fighting 11-year-old Orthodox Girl). I only just saw this last week on Velveteen Rabbi but I realized I MUST have it for her. I mean, how many graphic novels even attempt to address her demographic???
It is incredibly smart and funny, very well-drawn and lively. Highly recommended, though you may want to read it before buying, because Mirka’s take on Yiddishkeit, despite the title, is not always so “Orthodox.” I didn’t find it heretical in any way, but some might.
I love it! The book is available at mainstream bookstores. Check out a 15-page web preview here!
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