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Homeschool Diary #5: 27 Cheshvan, 5771


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Other “weekly memes” I participate in that may or may not interest you:

Okay, it’s noon on Thursday.  I’m TERRIBLE at this!  My excuses are that I’ve been sick – still! – and also that I had a couple of writing deadlines that knocked me for a loop.  Anyway, now I have to piece together our week in homeschooling, day by day, from old blog posts and from memory.  Argh!

It’s amazing how much more we’re enjoying Charlotte’s Web than Little House.  It’s not that it’s a better book, and Naomi does love Little House.  But Little House is like a good meal… Charlotte’s Web is like dessert.  I guess you need both, but it means we’re getting through the book really fast, which is nice for a change.


  • Morning
    • Swimming
    • Hebrew Reading/Writing:  continue with Kriyah v’Od/קריאה ועוד (Migdalor)
    • Began Telling Time with the Judy Clock
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
    • Ballet class
    • Began watching Horton Hears a Who (science-related, maybe?)
    • Continued Charlotte’s Web


  • Morning
    • Phonics:  Explode the Code
    • Handwriting Without Tears:  Letters and Numbers for Me
  • Afternoon
    • Outdoor time!
    • Continued Charlotte’s Web
  • Evening
    • Continued Horton Hears a Who…
    • Continued Charlotte’s Web



  • Morning
    • Me – Still sick!
    • Kids on their own doing crafts, magic show, free play downstairs
    • Begin parsha:  My First Parsha Reader, then narrative/midrashic overview
  • Afternoon
    • Outdoor time:  walk to library
  • Evening
    • Family library time (yes, 2 library trips in one day…)

Friday (Ted home):

  • Morning
    • BRCD Sign with Young Children – last class
  • Afternoon
    • Parsha Review
    • NEW:  Parsha Narration & illustration – I hope!
    • Gdcast parsha video (reward for getting to the narration, which we haven’t successfully done yet; haven’t watched Gdcast in weeks now!)

So, nu…?  What’s YOUR Jewish homeschool family up to this week???

Resources we’re enjoying this week:

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My own homemade printables:

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So, nu…?  What’s YOUR Jewish homeschool family up to this week???


  1. Hi

    I love your much I had been printing out of it, thanks for sharing and taking the time to upload them to google! I love it!

    I am traying to do a jewish homechool. We are not born Jewish..but Iam learning that I could be, maybe a Shepardic. :-)

    Thank You again!

  2. Well, I'm not Jewish. But my Aunt & Uncle are, so does that count?

    I found your blog by way of the Charlotte Mason HS carnival last week (I think.) Anyhow, I wanted to ask this question.

    Do you think it would be hard for me, a 33 year old woman, to learn Hebrew? The American Hebrew Academy is near me and they do offer classes to non-Jews. I've always wanted to learn. I'm just afraid I'll be wayyyy too old!!!!

  3. NormalMiddle ~ my husband, who always believed that he was terrible at languages, began learning Hebrew at age 26. He now speaks pretty well. With dedication, you can do it.

    J ~ do you know the "Pil Pilon" song? It might help you unite your Hebrew and science curricula...

  4. Love your printables. How do you make those?

  5. @Miriam: MSWord, mostly. It has a "save as" PDF feature. Before that, I used a PDF print driver but this is easier. I have a trusty no-name graphic editing program for when the clip art I want needs "fixing" in some way - small or large. :-)

    @Enid: Welcome! There are indeed many "hidden" Jews in Sephardic communities - perhaps even your own. However, from your blog, it seems like you seem to want to meld the two religious traditions (Jewish and Christian); something I cannot support. Please see my earlier posts on "Hebrew-Christianity" here and here. I'm always happy to answer questions or talk about Judaism (I love being Jewish!), but nothing I say here has anything to do with Christian belief or practice.

    @NormalMiddle: Welcome! Your aunt & uncle being Jewish definitely "counts" as having Jewish family! Further to what DecemberBaby said, my dh grew up Catholic and is still working on learning Hebrew. He is terrible with languages, but luckily, Hebrew is one of the easiest. I'm kind of tutoring an older Christian lady and she's only been at it a few weeks and doing great! It's a beautiful language. :-)

  6. @decemberbaby: I hate hate HATE the pil pilon song. Elephants generally learn to walk within the first hour (I checked!) and not because they're frightened because their Abba came home. What is that song ABOUT, anyway??? :-)))


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