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Jewish Homeschooling Blog Carnival #1: Cheshvan 1, 5771

Hey!  So this is something totally COOL and BRAND-NEW!!!  Welcome to the FIRST edition of the Jewish homeschooling blog carnival!

I hope this will be a monthly celebration of Jewish homeschool blogging, timed to coincide with the start of the Jewish month.

I’ve included a few categories for this rainy upcoming month of Cheshvan:  Learning at Home, Resources Online, Around the Web and Fun Stuff.

learning at home

From an experienced HS mama:  Alpidarkomama at Learning Al Pi Darko unveils her ds’s curriculum for the year, both secular and Jewish.  Well worth checking out for her lists of resources that have worked for her family!

Elizabeth’s lesson on Rosh Hashanah, Letter G, and Creation posted at Creative Learning Fun, may have been specifically for Rosh Hashanah, but it’s never too late for apple prints!

Fairion at Lionden Landing steps closer towards a formal Judaica curriculum for Froggy, her little homeschooler, this year.  Among rigourous reviews of various science, math and social studies curricula are her weekly Parsha Study resources.

Avivah, a long-time homeschooler, reflects on joining a coop for the first time and her plans for the coming year over at Oceans of Joy.

Not a homeschool blog, as such, but I couldn’t resist the name of her blog and now I’m hooked:  Amy Meltzer at Homeshuling ponders where she might find palatable parsha resources for the very youngest kids.  If you have any tips, toss them her way!

Ilysse at Heymish Education deals with obtrusive Christian influences in her homeschool group… and winds up starting her very own support group!  And if you’ve heard about workboxes – the latest trend in the homeschool world – and are perhaps intrigued to try them, she blogs about her workbox system here.

resources online

Mommzy, a “modern Jewish mom,” shares tons of her amazing printables at Our Jewish Homeschool Blog but she also found a way to her kids’ Jewish hearts with Lulav and Etrog Cookies that appeal to their Jewish stomachs (now that Sukkot is over, start thinking of other ways to incorporate these cookies… edible menorahs, anyone?).

Another one from Elizabeth at Creative Learning Fun:  She’s starting to learn Alef-Bet with her preschooler and has made available in PDF form the first of a series of Preschool Alef-Bet printable packets.

around the web

Shira at Jewish Homeschool Resources has taken it upon herself to round up a treasury of current, active homeschooling links to combat all the dead ends out there on the Web when it comes to Jewish Homeschooling.  Thanks!

fun stuff

Alpidarkomama discovers at Learning Al Pi Darko that, sometimes, the most important homeschooling lessons take place away from home.  If you don’t live in a southern climate like she does, get those nature-spotting outings in now while you can before the lousy weather arrives!

And finally…Rachel discovers what truly makes you a homeschool parent at Chai School – Our Homeschool Blog.

Well, it’s a short list, but hopefully a sweet one – or at least, not too tedious!  That concludes this edition. 

If you have a blog, read a Jewish homeschooling blog that inspires you, or you just want to let us know that you’ve begun a blog of your own, submit your links for the next edition of jewish homeschooling blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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  1. Thank you for sharing my blog :)

  2. Thank you for putting this together. It is fun seeing what other Jewish homeschoolers are doing.

  3. Thank you for posting my blog as well as for the list of other great blogs. I've enjoyed looking through them.

  4. This is amazing, thanks so much!

  5. This is amazing! Makes me think I might even be able to do this one day! So inspiring.

  6. Just found this post and I'm so so excited....I'm currently working with my oldest (3 years old) at home on Alef Bet and Holidays, and I'm planning to blog all about it. YAY!!!


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