The message of the month of Adar is “Be Happy, it’s Adar.” And for Av, maybe something like “Get glum, it’s Av.” Elul, however, doesn’t really have a catchy slogan.
(Some people click with “ani l’dodi v’dodi li,” “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine,” which is also, handily, an acronym for the spelling of ELUL (alef, lamed, vav, lamed). I don’t like it so much, and in English, it’s definitely not catchy.)
While you’re trying to figure out a handy slogan, why not stop on by at Jewels of Elul, where 29 different Jewish writers and teachers offer (for the 6th year in a row, apparently), a thought for each of this month’s 29 days. There’s also a “Jewels blogger” of the day – one Jewish blogger (they didn’t ask me!) commenting on each of the days’ topics.
Very well put together. I don’t usually subscribe to email stuff like this (“thought of the day” – ick), but hey… it’s only 29 days. And maybe it will help me learn, or think, or prepare, a little better than usual.
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