This is just a rough outline. I plan to go back and fill in details as I decide, day by day. Meanwhile, here goes… great leap off the cliff called Getting it Together.
For the week of 3 Shevat/January 18:
Monday: Chicken & roasted steak-cut potatoes; squash and chicken soup (mmm!)
Tuesday: Carrot/ginger soup, fresh “ciabatta” bread, tortellini casserole with spinach/cottage cheese and tomato sauce (mmm! but took WAY long to cook; we didn’t eat ‘till 7:00ish :-o)
Wednesday: Chili w/Cornbread (meat)… except I decided to be lazy and do the cornbread from a mix (PC Organic Corn MUFFIN mix; yeah, I guess I didn’t read that closely enough) and the mix was super-sweet and it tasted like Chili with Cake. Not a bad combo!
Thursday: Homemade Pizza
Shabbos! TBD
You’ll notice I’m keeping it simple. Nothing fancy for now. And to make choosing food easier, I hope to go back, look through every Suppers post, and list all the supper dishes in a single post. I have done this before, but it was a Loooooong time ago.
In case you’re curious, and missed it twice in the previous paragraph, here is a link to All the Suppers so far – last updated, as of almost exactly TWO years ago.
Suppers have become a lackluster affair here, and I hope to get back some of the fun of cooking by organizing our meals a bit. Let’s just see how THAT works…
Aren't we having Pickled Briskit on Shabbos???? Your loving husband!