I don’t think I ever posted these… so here they are, for comparison!
Last Sukkos:
And today:
(I like this one of YM because he’s smiling. And so’s my mother…)
Naomi was in tears one second after Ted let her down… the next shot is completely lousy of her wailing. Life is like that, between the Kodak moments.
And finally, here it is… YES, that rare shot of all of us together, in one spot, looking collectively not too terrible!
(okay, I admit, two seconds after this YM made his patented Stupid Face and I called him “idiot boy” which is really slipping too easily off my tongue these days and everybody got mad at everybody else)
(Just for the record, I think I’ve only called him that out loud twice. But I do think it inside my head more often. Must stop. Bad habit. He’s not an idiot, just ornery, with a very, very lousy face that is guaranteed to ruin all photographs of him.)
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