One of our lunch guests today brought the best hostess gift: Puppets! A Very Hungry Caterpillar (unlicensed) puppet that comes with a butterfly and a whole bunch of play food that actually fits into a hole in the caterpillar’s mouth.
Now this is a cool gift! It’s handmade by Papoose (despite the Native American connotations, it’s an Australian company) from ecologically-treated felted wool and other supplies by ethically-employed women in some third-world hellhole. I don’t know if that makes the gift more depressing or more uplifting. But I still love it.
Granted, the caterpillar looks more like a frog. The kids couldn’t care less and played with it happily all afternoon.
Which prompted me to enact – with Ted’s permission – the following short-term resolution: if any of our guests asks what they can bring, the answer is PUPPETS! (or maybe just A puppet… I don’t want to pressure anyone too, too much)
Perhaps they will choose a puppet that reflects themselves in some way. There is certainly a huge price range in the category of puppets: little finger ones for $2 – all the way up to big $30 Folkmanis wonder-puppets.
Sure beats wine. Which isn’t to say we don’t like wine, or discovering what wines other people like (perhaps because it beats having to rely on our own careful wine-label-deciphering skills). But now that Yom Tov is over, the wine rack is full. We have, at the most conservative estimate of our drinking rate, a few months’ worth of wine to plow through.
So, in the meantime: PUPPETS!
(Will we all rapidly grow tired of puppets? no! because the plan, in the spring, is to ask for PLANTS! Live plants! Maybe… if I have room in my garden to put stuff in…)
Today wasn’t even one of our finer meal efforts, either, especially compared to the last little while over Yom Tov. Ted made broccoli/couscous salad, cholent, storebought blintzes and gefilte fish; I made dessert, and the challah was store-bought.
In my defense, I spent the afternoon yesterday at the doctor and getting my snazzy new $120 inhaler prescription filled.
Hopefully, better lung health will follow within a week!
Speaking of Very Hungry Caterpillar, I saved the logo that Google did a while ago to commemorate its anniversary. I want to say 25, but I think it’s longer than that, because they had the book when I was a child… cool logo, too!
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