Message from a nice Craigslister who lives nearby (I hope it's a SHE; her name's kind of neutral) when I told her I couldn't really afford to buy more plants right now:
>> Please come by later for a couple of clumps of forget-me-nots - a
>> little gift for your garden from me. I have tons of them.
>> little gift for your garden from me. I have tons of them.
>> I will be in the garden from 4 to 8 p.m.
And then I thought - "in the garden from 4 to 8 p.m."?!?!?
What I wouldn't give to plan an uninterrupted stretch like that!
** 4 hours! **
In the garden!
She knew ahead of time! She planned it! Four straight hours in the garden!
That is like the extreme opposite of my life, where I steal five seconds for the garden here and there from the rest of my life.
So once the tuna-noodle is in the oven (it's shaping up nicely now that Elisheva took the screamy boy away) and once YM returns from school with "my" bike, I'm going to bike down there and pick me up a clump of forget-me-weeds, as one guy called them last year when he gave me a clump - that promptly died, I might add!! :-o
I saved out some plain noodles and plain tuna. Maybe Naomi will eat those, cuz I suspect she won't even look at the casserole.
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