As if I didn't have enough to think about... like the fact that Elisheva's school wants a nonrefundable $1000 deposit like last month (!!!) to hold her place, it seems that YM a) forgot to submit one of his required modules (coursework) for one of his distance-ed courses.
With all the craziness of Pesach, he just scanned it and went right on with other stuff. The missing step was, of course, emailing the scan to his teacher. Gah.
And then it seems that he's two days late (okay, three, but I'm not counting Shabbos) getting his midterm stuff in. They expect all students to be finished half the coursework by April 17th in order to finish up on time by the end of May.
Makes sense, though. It's going to be a mad scramble either way. It's a weird program... they accept students anytime throughout the year, up until February. So he has the same deadlines for his courses as a kid who started back in September.
But that's because since it's a real school board and real, living, breathing teachers (not just virtual ones), they get the summer off, so all dates past early June are sacrosanct for marking.
Sheesh... just when things in the virtual world start getting fun. I mean, who my age didn't dream of taking classes by "television" (we hadn't heard of the Internet back then) and never meeting any of our classmates in person? I sure did. School, the school part of it, would have been amazing without classmates. Especially Grade Nine. Who wouldn't want to have sat in a room at home in front of their computer for that whole year???
(okay, the tenses for that sentence were a little goofy. forgive me, it's unbelievably late already!!!)
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