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Spring West-End GTA Plant Swap!

… is officially OVER.  :-)
Maybe we’ll do it again next year!
(with more people, or braver people who are willing to stand and chill:  literally!)


When is the swap?
Sunday, May 17th. Note: this is the Victoria Day long weekend! 
From 10:00 a.m. until the last of us goes home… but I recommend coming right at 10 to make your plants available and find the best selection.
Is there a rain date?
Nope. Let's hope for NICE weather!
Where is the swap?
The parking lot behind Sobey's / Zellers at Kipling and Queensway. Just drive right up and do everything out of your trunk.  Not a very “green” location; sorry.  If you don't have a car, find a buddy who does!
  swap map mod
Do I have to bring plants?
This is strictly a swap in the sense that nothing is being sold and everybody will come hoping to find interesting new plants to take home.
Sometimes, even people "without" plants sometimes find they actually have something in their yard that they can dig up and bring - a hosta or an ornamental grass or groundcover that's spread like wildfire (ivy, vinca, golden creeping jenny?).
 Are there any freebies?  I love freebies!
Yes: Door Prizes!
Courtesy of Laura at, who sent me 20 packets of free herb seed to give out:  Bouquet Dill, Coriander, Italian Large-Leaf Basil and Chives. Oooh!  Yummy... and each packet is lovingly adorned with a drawing of her husky/retriever Hazel!  Thanks, Laura!  (I’ll probably just put these in the swap circle and whoever wants/needs seeds can take some out)

Who's organizing the swap?

Me! Just a fairly new gardener with an unexpected love of interesting plants and a few spare seedlings around because I have a tiny garden. I got invited to a swap my first year in our house and had so much fun I decided to organize another last year - and then couldn't make it. So this year, I'm trying again.

How many people are participating?
We need to get at least six people - up to maybe twenty. More than that and it becomes a headache to organize... and fewer just wouldn't be as much fun! PLEASE RSVP in the comments section below so everybody knows how many people to expect.
Thread for this swap at YouGrowGirl forums here.
Similar thread at GardenWeb here.
Details about last year's swap at GardenWeb here.


  1. From Linda: I'll be there on the 17th. I have Rose of Sharon bushes, Rose Campion and pink Iris to bring. I'm looking for any veggie seedlings, hardy perenial or annual flowers. Raspberry canes would be nice. I put in new plants last year and they didn't do so well.

  2. From Laura of CubitsOrganics (

    I won't be able to make it to your swap... but I would like to send you some samples from my seed company that you could give out how ever you see fit. ...
    I hope you guys have a great time, I think it is wonderful that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to organize this.

  3. Hi - I will be there with native butterfly plants like Gray headed coneflower, asters, black eyed Susan, and lots more! Thank you for arranging this for us, Jennifer

  4. Hi there!
    Thanks fro organizing this year!
    I will be there and I'll invite a frined of mine!
    See you on May 17th

  5. Hi there!
    Thanks for organizing this year!
    I will be there and I'll invite a friend of mine!
    See you on May 17th

  6. Thanks for the update.I will be there with some pink heirloom tomatoes from Poland, some hostas and whatever does well. Just starting the peet pots...



  7. Here, at last, is a partial list of what I am looking for, and what I have. See below for specifics.

    Three ways we'll swap:
    1) Arrange specific swaps with someone you'll meet at the swap
    2) Lay out your plants and people can wander over and make an offer
    3) Swap circle! Leave stuff in the circle & take what you want out.


    Rose campion (PLEASE, Linda!)
    Persicara amplexicaulis (fleeceflower)
    Heucherella / Tiarella
    Cimicifuga (black/brown)
    Interesting peppers
    Eupatorium maculatum
    non-pink fuchsias
    Interesting (non-orange, non-yellow) daylilies
    Nasturtiums (non-orange, non-yellow)
    Marigolds (non-orange, non-yellow)
    Hakonechloa grass (all-gold or purple)
    Kale, organic lettuce, other veggie starts

    (wherever it says seedlings, they're still TINY but will grow quick)

    Canteloupe-type seedlings
    Watermelon (Sugar Baby) seedlings
    Garlic chive seedlings
    Regular chives
    Coleus plants
    Habanero - small
    Jalapeno - small
    Columbine seedlings
    Strawberry plants - small
    Tomato seedlings
    Lemon bee balm seedlings
    Yarrow, various (if anybody wants some)
    Chocolate Mint (my favourite mint!)
    Orange Mint
    Green/white ribbon grass (invasive but pretty in a pot)
    Geraniums (no-name)
    I can spare a small quantity (ie 500g yogurt tub?) of active vermicompost with live worms if anyone's interested.

    So... what do you-all have???

  8. Oh, plus:

    Probably a few other herb seedlings (basil, dill, cutting celery)

  9. I'll be there and have an assortment of perennials to bring : sweet rocket, rudbeckia triloba, iris, artemesia, winter onions, and more.
    Looking forward to it !

  10. Ooh, ooh, me!

    I don't have much, but I can bring:

    periwinkle (groundcover)
    hydrangeas (mature plant, we don't want it anymore)
    some kind of rose
    maybe some hostas?

  11. Oh, and I think I'd like some vermicompost...

  12. I will be there with vegie seedlings -- pink iris and rose of Sharon woman, wanna tade? -- lily of the valleys, wild vilets and whatever other stuff I can muster.

    Also totally interested in Yarrow and chocolait mint -- mmm mmmm mmm

    as well herbs and irises -- I love Irises :)

    see you all there,


  13. from Natasha: I have a bunch of diff veggie seeds and tons of Lilly of the valley and wild violet-like thingies. Also have some rooted Forsythia and trying to root some Lilac as I write this. If I have luck with those, I'll bring them too.

  14. I'll bring a bit of tiarella.
    I'd love some pink iris (and maybe
    a bit of chocolate mint too) !

  15. Sigh....

    Was really excited about this and was planning on attending and bringing a wide range of different tomatoes, but things just have not gone my way this spring.

    Sadly, my various attempts in germination have resulted in failure. The seeds were only 3 years old, but I suspect they were kept in improper conditions during the summer, and may have been damaged by heat.

    My plan was to bring: Black Cherry, Garden Peach, Cherokee Purple, Black Prince, Green Zebra, Brandywine, Yellow Pear.

    I've tried various different techniques to "revive" the seeds, with very little success. Of those few that did actually germinate, they have been quite small, and have not been growing as expected over the last few weeks.

    Still keeping my fingers crossed, but am coming to face the reality that nothing will come of it.

    I have a few Beefsteak, and Cherry (which germinated without problem, as these were seeds from last year), that I could spare, if anyone would be interested.

    No car either, so would only be able to bring what I could fit in y'olde handy milk crate attached to my bike.

    Sigh!!! :(

  16. From Linda (same Linda as above): I was wondering if anyone is interested in the Rose of Sharon bushes cause they're pretty big and I haven't actually dug them up yet. I'll check the blog for responses.

  17. GardenGirl - just a last-minute thought; I would love a bit of tiarella. Will dig the mint in the a.m. (brrr... should be a chilly one!)

  18. P.S. If anybody has any creeping moss phlox, any colour, I could use some of that as well. Just got finished potting the teeny veg seedlings. See y'all in the a.m.!


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