Well, the soup was no big deal... just a creamy carrot-coconut concoction. Looked lovely, though it could have used a bit of watering down. Too much like baby food for my taste!
Anyway, the flavours of this supper were superb - definitely made up for last night's dismal creations.
Went to Dufferin Grove after supper tonight to see a play! Long on drama, short on plot or enduring significance - perfect! Naomi loved it through and through. Gavriel Zev was not sure about the actor who kept shouting an inch away from our faces and cried a few times until I nummied him.
Weather was lousy but the rain held off - just barely - except for a bit of spitting, which I thought at one point was the actor. Thunder and lightning added dramatic flair!
Now we're home and tomorrow is another busy BUSY erev Shabbos with Ted off work. Looks like some serious peach pie is on the horizon...
<3 J
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