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Quick update... NEW COMPUTER!

It comes with a camera, but the camera - I'm now told - is backordered until April 14th.
With luck, it'll be here for Pesach.  The bad news is that (buyer's remorse) I'm checking reviews after the fact and apparently, this camera kind of sucks.
Drat, drat, drat.  It's 7mp, does movies etc, but the reviews mostly say the picture quality is WAY below that of a much lower mp camera.  :-(
Anyway, the migration is going incredibly well and we should be rid of the old computer today.  Feels like we're fleeing a sinking ship!
Oooh.  Speaking of rats, I saw a mouse two days ago (Sunday?).  In our house.  :-o
I turned on the stove and out it ran from somewhere in the kitchen, ducked into the living room.  We shook the cereal shelf and it ran out again, into the fireplace.  Ted went after it with a breakfast cereal box but it hasn't been seen since.  He has put out peanut-butter traps a couple of nights in a row, but no luck.
Oy, vey.  Between the moths and the mice and goodness knows what else... well, oy, vey.
Swimming lessons etc started again on Sunday.  Naomi had her first "by herself" dance class yesterday afternoon.  I hoped it would go well, with Tracy, the same instructor we had last time, but no, she cried and screamed and I waited outside the door metaphorically biting my knuckles the whole time.  She was still weeping when she came out, but is in a weird way kind of looking forward to next week.  She keeps asking me why she cried in class, and I said, "it was scary, but you were brave, and next week, we'll bring a rice cake for you for after class."  So she knows there WILL be a next week, and the separation WILL get easier.
Surprisingly, there was no problem with her "by herself" swim class.  Her instructor was the one we suspect is Bora's identical twin, Blerta (pronounced blairta?).  Despite the weird name - Ted's been mispronouncing it for months - she is really super-sweet and great with the 4 little ones in her class.  They have to stand on the table most of the time because the water's so deep, but Naomi did a great job of following instructions and working hard to impress the teacher.  I was really surprised.  The weather was mild so we walked to swim with her in the Ergo.  I didn't realize it was raining until we got outside but it was a gentle, welcome rain so I just pretended I was happy to slog along in it with her munching happily on my back.
Sunday - ordered-in Chinese!!!  Just us, and Elisheva was out helping "waitress" at Judy's house.
Monday - Ted-made salmon - he used maple syrup instead of the honey in his honey-mustard salmon.  Yummmmmmyyy!!!  I had it when we came back from swim.  Oh, with some delircious fingerling potatoes he found at the new Sobey's near us.
Tonight - umm... I dunno.  Using up some blintzes from the freezer, maybe?
Update on the new computer:  Keyboard feels a little mushy for my taste.  But everybody loves the new look & feel of Vista.  I hate having to give permission for every single thing.  Especially when you click a folder to open it, it says I don't have permission, and then (because I'm an administrator, dammit!) asks if I want to give permission, then takes a few minutes to actually give me the permission, then warns me when I go to create or change files in the folder... I mean, I'm an administrator.  If I ask to do something, do it!
Oooh... all settings copied over from the old computer now!  Yay!
Garden Update
Oy, went out back today now that there's less snow to check the ruins of the garden from last season.  Sigh... lots of work to do.  I blame it on the baby.  Never have a baby in the middle of harvest / garden clean-up season.  :-)))
Started tomatoes yesterday!  6 or 7 varieties, maybe more, and they're all neatly labelled in my new Lee Valley Self-Watering Seed Starter!!!
We also transferred the rather sad wilty looking petunias into their own pots to hopefully grow them big enough for the porch planters by the time the weather gets warm.  Naomi helped using the colourful new Lee Valley Hand Tools I bought for us to share.
The baby's up... must run!
<3 J


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