Well, I totally let the garden down in '07 - something about being 8-9 months pregnant at harvest time, maybe. But here, to inspire me, are some pics I dug up (get it?) of my early efforts at the start of the 07 growing season, just before the camera broke...
As seen in these pictures:
- Beets - failed due to leaf miners :-(((
- Potatoes - failed due to grass dumped on top by dumb newbie gardeness :-(((((
- Foundation - wow, I forgot that there were daffs there - now I can't wait to see them again!
- Raspberries - yum! Early crop mostly consumed by insects, but the fall batch (couple dozen) were yummo!
- Strawberries - did indeed take over the world
- Watermelon - one grew; left it too long on the vine and it got icky-tasting. Ew.
Maybe THIS will be the year I grow something worthwhile...
<3 J
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