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Menu-Planning Monday #22: 1 Av, 5770 (Nine Days Edition)

Why the weird dates? Click here to find out!

We are a Jewish family of 6 (2 parents, 4 kids) and all our meals are kosher.

Newcomers, you can read my MPM intro here which tells you all about who we are and what we eat, or just visit my super-duper-list-tastic itemization of Everything We Eat

Now that we have entered the Nine Days of mourning leading up to Tisha b’Av, all our meals will be vegetarian, in the sense that they will not include meat or wine (I don’t know if beer is allowed, which seems like a more appropriate summertime beverage anyway).  (Yes, I use the word beverage in real life; my kids learn to use it appropriately, usually before the age of three.)

Meat products of all kinds are forbidden except on Shabbos:  even broths, ground meat, hidden meat, chicken, beef… you name it.  It is a real trial at a time of year when the easiest supper option is to slap a side of something onto the BBQ grill.  That’s what we did tonight.

Last week’s Vegan Vursday kind of turned out cheat-y:  one of the curries was pareve, and the naan were pareve, but I was tired and sweltery and ended up buying a pre-packaged vegetable curry which contained dairy ingredients.  I pretended I could have made the same thing from scratch without the dairy, but then everybody also scooped plain yogurt onto everything.  Curry is just not the same without a nice yogurty dollop!

Sunday (tonight):  BBQ at Mommy’s – chicken marinated in a yummy homemade Black Coffee Barbecue Sauce; salad, oven fries.

Monday:  Oven-baked mushroom crêpes (must buy parmesan for this, I think), easy veg on side

rye 003 Tuesday (Ted’s late day):  Cold potato leek soup (vichysoisse) & easy bread (or rye bread, if time) – yay, fresh homemade rye bread!!!

Wednesday (Vegan Vursday):  Peanut-butter sauce tofu stir-fry over rice stick noodles (note to self:  toivel new milchig wok!)

Thursday:  AMAZING Homemade pizzafamous 005 with fresh Ontario corn on the cob (first of the season!!!).

Shabbos (Ted off Friday):  Meat, meat, meat!  Dunno what, as usual, but my mother’s leftover brisket from the freezer will figure prominently.

Yup – you’ll notice I snuck a soup in there even at the hottest, stinkiest time of year… but it’s a COLD soup.  Tricky!


  1. I am very much looking forward to what you come up with for Shabbat. I am always looking for yummy recipes that use leftover brisket.

  2. Recipe??? I hate to disappoint, but it was so yummy, I plan to just plunk it in the oven to thaw. Bake 'till hot, eat, enjoy. :-)))

  3. Sounds like you have a good week planned! Black coffee barbecue sauce is super intriguing!

    Cold potato leek soup sounds like heaven!

    Have a great week of cooking!

  4. I've missed your posts on MPM, so I'm glad to see you back there.

    Could you explain the significance of Tisha b'Av to me?

    We are practicing Christians who observe the church year and your fast leading up to this holiday reminded me of our fasting during Lent. I just wondered what the meaning behind it was.

  5. Ranee:
    Glad you've been watching for me, but I haven't missed any except the one we were away in Ottawa. Weird!
    I actually have a Tisha b'Av FAQ up already, which you might find helpful.
    Post there if you have any questions and I'd be happy to add them!


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