- Geocaching doesn’t work. We went straight to the exact coordinates, I swear! I have a witness; I went with a friend who found out about this cache and everything (screenshot at left indicating that, according to my Playbook, we were within inches of the cache). For a first foray, it sure was discouraging. I figured geocaching was the ultimate in Homeschool Coolery, though describing it to the kids was kind of odd: “we search for a small, disappointing treasure… and then leave it where it is!”
- Kite-flying doesn’t work. Actually, this wasn’t a first; I have taught them this lesson a couple of times, I believe. Every fall, I think, “Let’s go fly kites!” I get all excited and build it up and build it up and then finally get outdoors with a kite and… nothing. Boom. No kite-flying. Sort of like science experiments… they works for other people, but not for us. Although today we had friends along and their mama tried and mainly failed to fly a kite as well. So now they know for sure that any kite-flying they see online or in pictures is simply special effects, Photoshop and camera wizardry.
- If you play with water, you will get wet. This one’s a good lesson, actually. I have told them many times, this long chilly spring, that it’s too early in the season to play with water; that they’ll just get soaked and then be chilly and miserable. Today, they ventured into the water-play area and found out for themselves. Hurrah!
- Asking permission doesn’t work. After picking up my mother’s CSA vegetables at Mega Synagogue Down the Street, we decided to go in and look around. Me, to security guard: "The children are interested in seeing the main sanctuary. Could we go in for a minute to take a look?" Guard: "Well... that's not common." [Huh? who says that??? My first thought when he used the word “common” was - “Asperger’s”] Me: "I'm aware of that." Him: (pause) "How long would you be in there for?" Me: "Just a couple of minutes, um, to look around." Him: "I'll have to check." (gets up, goes and checks) Him: "No, you can't go in... the president is... " (mumble) Me: "Um, okay," turning to leave. "You know, that doesn't seem like a very welcoming policy." Him: (silence)
Wheeeeee! They shoulda called it FUNday… instead of plain old “Tyoozdee”…
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