דְּבָרִים / Devarim / Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
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Don’t forget to read this week’s Parsha Poem (Vaeschanan was actually the first parsha poem ever, two years ago last week!) and parsha overview. Plus… copywork and parsha activities – something for every week of the year!
פָּרָשָׁת וָאֶתְחַנַּן
Parshas Vaeschanan
דְּבָרִים / Devarim / Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
To start off this week, Moshe stands and he begs,
Davening as we might well think he should;
Pleading to cross on his own two strong legs,
To walk with the Jews to the Land that’s so __________!
In the parsha of Yisro, it’s related
To keep Shabbos because He created
But though Torah’s reasons,
Explain all the seasons,
We now might this cause is debated.
Why does THIS parsha tell us to keep Shabbos?
At the seder we read about four of these,
One who is wise while one seeks to displease;
One who is simple and one doesn’t know…
But which one of them does this week’s parsha show?
Place His words upon your heart,
Share His love that can shock and surprise;
Write His words upon your gates,
And tie __________ above your eyes!
[5] BONUS!
Writing a Torah is surely quite hard,
So be careful to scribe it with pride;
But in order to earn your “Best-Sofer” card,
Please make THESE letters big - extra wide! Which letters – and why?
STUMPED?? Here are some answers:
[ 1 ] good (3:25)
[ 2 ] Yetzias Mitzrayim (the exodus, 5:15). Many Meforshim try to reconcile these rationales.
[ 3 ] The “wise son” (6:20), the only one who appears outside of Shemos. (compare the answer with what the Haggadah says to say (more))
[ 4 ] Tefillin (6:8).
[ 5 ] ע/ayin and ד/dalet in Shema are wide. Some say this prevents mis-reading: the word שמא/shemma with an א means “perhaps,” אחר/acheyr, with a ר, means “other.” “Perhaps, Israel, Hashem…is other.” They also spell עד/ayd, “witness”- saying Shema testifies to Hashem’s oneness.
I wanted to share that Friday's are Froggy's favorite Parsha days because she loves your riddles so much. She looks forward to them all week.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, that means SO much to me. :-o
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone is picturing our Shabbos table as being all divrei Torah and zemiros and parsha riddles... um, well, that's what I aspire to, but the reality is that YM is the only one who has the skills to listen and answer, and that's only when he can bring himself to care. Most discouraging. :-(
I'm only sorry they are such cheesy little rhymes... (just noticed last week that two of the poems rhyme "judge" and "fudge"!)