So what do you think of this facebook ad??? Is it weird, or is it just me? I don’t even know if it offends me or if it’s wacky enough to fly under the radar.
Take note: there are just oodles of important messages here…
- you don’t want to join a shul (of course, because you’re a hip young thing, wink wink)
but your “Bubbie” would love it if you did! (aw, shucks)
- but don’t worry, because look how cool SHE is! (arms crossed like a rapper, sunglasses, big goofy toothless grin)
- and there’s a “membership plan” which means it’s maybe cheaper than you think!
- did you notice it’s a “young adult” membership plan, which implies you wouldn’t be the only hipster caught dead there???
A couple of shuls around here have run campaigns like this in recent years, including one that said, on great big posters, “Look, Bubby, we joined a shul!” (if I recall correctly).
I wonder about these ads because, well, why “Bubbie”? Maybe because your cool Boomer parents would never interfere by suggesting that you worship in a Jewish way once or twice a year. Nope, they couldn’t care less. Maybe they’re not even members themselves! (much to “Bubbie”’s chagrin)
So here are the crucial take-away messages, just so’s you won’t forget: shul is a hassle, and it’s expensive, and you’re not really old enough for it to be relevant anyway, and you don’t get much for it in return except for a bit of intergenerational nachas. But Rosh Hashanah is coming, so it’s the right thing to do.
As Bubbie would say, “Word!”
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