I wanted and wanted and wanted a Purim Shiron / songbook last year, like the one for Chanukah, and then – in the crazy-mad rush before Purim – didn’t get a chance to put one together.
Natcherally, the day AFTER Purim, I had plenty of time, so I whipped this together super-fast, and quite a few people have downloaded it already (perhaps for late Purim parties last year?).
Anyway, it was a simple matter tonight to haul it out and tweak it somewhat. All the Hebrew now has vowels, which is mostly a matter of searching song databases and the online Tanach (here’s my favourite menukad / vowelled Tanach – perfect for copy/paste!).
There are translations for every song, but they are not necessarily singable translations. And I haven’t checked every transliteration 100%. Still – as usual, I hope this little bookie will help somebody, and if it does, please feel free to say hi. It’s been lonely out here in cyberspace lately.
- To download this and dozens (hundreds?) of other Limudei Kodesh (Jewish Studies) printables including weekly parsha copywork and holiday resources, click here.
- General Studies printables – including science, art and music resources in Hebrew and English, Ambleside, composer and artist resources, click here.
Oh! I’m also building a playlist on YouTube of songs and other Purim-related video stuff to share with the kids. Feel free to stop by!
Purim Sameach… though it still seems miles away!
Thanks so much for these great downloads! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this website and I look forward to meeting you, I"YH, at the homeschooling conference in May! BTW, how do I find the songs you are compiling on youtube??