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Yummy Books for my Kobo

$100 birthday gift card that I can ONLY spend on books for my Kobo (plus assorted coupon codes here and here that get me 25-30% off – oh, I just noticed they have one right on the front page, too). 

What a challenge!  If it was a real bookstore card, I might waste it on Melissa & Doug stuff, like the time I bought the magnetic skeleton play set – which wasn’t exactly a waste because they still love it…).  This also comes at a good time, because I’m not really loving the Kobo, and I suspect that getting a few new books for it may be just the ticket, as they say.

Warning:  Some of the choices here are religious-freaky-weirdo stuff, because the library doesn’t carry those.  It’s kind of funny; I don’t believe in conspiracies, but if it’s a book about atheism or science or psychology or being gay or trans or polyamourous or anything of a liberalish non-traditional kind of nature, they have it in spades.  But if it’s about God, faith or the Bible (or – gasp – Jesus!), they probably DON’T carry it… “Dawkins?  No problem!”

(I read Dawkins’ gorgeous Magic of Reality a couple of weeks ago, but I’m still processing, and may be for a good long while…)

image So forgive me if this list seems weird or eclectic.  I’m trusting you not to laugh at me!

  1. No-brainer:  Amy Stewart’s gardening classic From the Ground Up.  Just finished reading her Wicked Bugs over Shabbos!  No idea why the library doesn’t carry this one cuz it’s not Christian, that I can tell.  Anyway, now I own it… kind of.
  2. imageCelia Rivenbark, We’re Just Like You, Only Prettier.  Just because she makes me laugh, okay?  We don’t have to be Albert Einstein, David Suzuki or Steven Hawking every single minute.
  3. imageRuth Beechick et al.  Homeschooling Methods.  From the editors of The Old Schoolhouse magazine, which, disappointingly, just stopped publishing a print edition.  The reviews look good and it’s always helpful to expand my awareness of other homeschooling ideas beyond my own little box.
  4. image Phil Vischer.  Me, Myself and Bob.  From the creator of VeggieTales, a memoir of his own faith, dream, etc.
  5. Evolving in Monkey Townimage Spiritual awakening and a girl coming to grips with her own (and her town’s) fundamentalist past.
  6. Churched: One Kid’s Journey Towards God Despite a Holy Mess.  Ditto – only this one’s a boy.  See, this is the kind of faith-based stuff the Toronto Public Library avoids carrying.


Here’s one I’m still debating:

Argh!  I can’t stand the way the Kobo bookstore doesn’t let you keep anything in your cart.  It is designed to let you buy ONE book at a time… which makes the promo codes difficult to use, because it’s usually one per person.

And the amazing thing is, 7 books in and I still have almost $50 left on the card.  Yay!!!  HB2Meeeeeee! <3

(okay, second amazing thing is, 7 books in and no trees have died; that is a cool thing, too)

Anyone else having fun feeding their electronic reading thingies…?


  1. I just bought the Yesterday's Classics collection for my Kindle--of course, I also added Bohemians of the Latin Quarter--the book that inspired both La Boheme and Rent.

  2. Interesting selection. Our library does carry books dealing with religion as long as it's Christian. Of course, we live in the Bible Belt. Not much in the way of Jewish reading though...


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