When I woke up Sunday morning, my goal – and my planned excitement for the day – was this: replace the broken, leaning-over, falling-down Ikea bookshelf with a slightly bigger, sturdier Ikea bookshelf purchased second-hand through Craigslist.
I arranged for Ted to go on Sunday morning to pick up the shelf and then I pulled all the books off the crumbling old shelf. There were books in stacks everywhere!
Then, I went out tutoring, and came home with a broken foot, unable to CARRY a book let alone re-shelve our entire children’s collection.
Ted put the books on the shelves, but a goal is a goal, so on Sunday night, I sat down on a folding chair in front of the shelves and tried to introduce a bit more order. I’m thrilled with the result:
We may not have a school ROOM, but we sure do have school BOOKS. I’d like to get coloured dots and organize them a bit more – ie one colour for science, another for history, another for atlases and geography, Judaica, etc. But for now, I am just so happy that there is enough room for them all… with even a bit of space for more. (gasp!)
Good thing, actually, because the first two of our four Anna Hibiscus books arrived today (from England!). We finished the first story tonight, and I certainly enjoyed it… very different from our lives here, and from what we English-speaking North Americans usually think of when we think of Africa.
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