I know, I know… where was this post YESTERDAY???
Well, about twenty seconds before my family was due to arrive for the Purim seudah this afternoon, Naomi requested that we all sing a particular song. Well, if we were going to try to sing together, we’d need lyrics.
(also, wonderful, melodic voices, but let’s not push it – at least I can find lyrics on the Internet!)
So I sat down and put together a page of words for a few Purim songs. Not that there aren’t songbooks out there, but I wanted translations and transliterations, just like we have in our Chanukah book.
Of course, I wasn’t able to throw much together in a few minutes, so I spent an hour or so just now putting a better song book together… just in time for next Purim! (or Shushan Purim, if you live in an ancient walled city)
Songs included (transliterations are Ashkenaz except Israeli songs):
- Ani Purim (I am Purim) /אני פורים
- Chag Purim /חג פורים
- Venahafoch / ונהפוך
- Shoshanas Yaakov / שׁוֹשַׁנַּת יַעֲקֹב
- Al HaNissim / על הניסים
- LaKova Sheli (My Hat) / לכובע שלי
- Laytzan Katan (Little Clown) / ליצן קטן
- Nosh, Nosh (Hamentash Song)
- Vayehi Biymei Achashveirosh / ויהי, בימי אחשוורוש
- A Wicked, Wicked Man
- Utzu Eitzah / עוצו עצה
- Esther’s Day (ttto Yesterday)
- Mishenichnas Adar / משנכנס אדר
Not all the Hebrew versions have vowels, but this is a basic attempt to provide Hebrew, English and transliterations wherever possible. If I get a chance before next Purim, I may buff it up a bit.
Download it from my Limudei Kodesh printables page here – scroll down to the Purim section.
Of course, what you need to go along with something like this is audio tracks, and unfortunately, I cannot provide those. Luckily, there’s YouTube and a bunch of other great resources. Here are a few sites to try to find tunes (for some, you may need to be able to type and spell in Hebrew – sorry!):
- http://zemerl.com/
- http://faujsa.fau.edu/jsa/home.php
- http://www.dartmouth.edu/~djsa/ (membership requires registration and a delay for human processing)
- http://hebrewsongs.com/
Other Jewish and Hebrew music sites, in absolutely no order:
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