9 am – he’s in Spring Valley, aka Monsey.
After two staticky Skype calls and a brief chat message last night (the promised WiFi on the bus was flaky), he arrived in NYC on the bus from Toronto around dawn with two classmates, one from Brooklyn and one from Monsey.
Me: “So did [the Monsey boy] help you get the bus to Monsey?”
YM: “No, I had to help him find Port Authority, and we caught the last express to Monsey.”
Yay for my fish-out-of-water Toronto kid!
A grand total of a couple of hours in Manhattan, way back in August, and he’s getting around no problem. He has an astonishingly good navigational sense; that’s partly why I felt comfortable sending him on a bus with no grown-ups in charge.
(His iPod does occasionally show helpful maps, but it didn’t help much back in August…)
Anyway: So far, so good.
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