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Homeschool Diary #11: 12 Shevat, 5771

image Let’s try to do this earlier in the week this week, shall we?  I am mostly copying and pasting from last week, but that’s because we are finally starting to develop some kind of rhythm, as we slooooowly transition into a Grade 1-type schedule. 

Naomi is the exact age I was when I started Grade 1, and it’s exciting seeing her mastery and interest develop.  There are still some formal subjects that I plan to save for next fall, but I think we will start First Language Lessons as soon as she’s ready.  Fun!  I think she will really enjoy it.

יִתְרוֹ /Yitro/Yisro

Five Senses – TOUCH!

Sunday (Ted @ work):

  • CULTURAL (:-)))):  Field trip to Chinatown kitchenware store, unrelated to anything except my mother needed a new hot-water pot for Shabbos.
  • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  My sisters took Naomi out tobogganing.
  • BIG KIDS SCHOOLING:  Spent most of the day studying Grade 10 math with dd15.  Gaaah:  algebra and trig – two of my favourite subjects, but definitely not hers!  But we used the whiteboard, which I love, and had many successes.  I think she’ll do just fine on the exam tomorrow.


  • HEBREW:  continue reading/writing – Kriyah v’Od, Book 1
  • HEBREW/SCIENCE:  Introduce “sense words” in Hebrew did it on Tuesday
  • SCIENCE:  Five senses week 3!  TOUCH:  short reading selections
  • SCIENCE:  Touch narration & illustration
  • MATH:  Continuing with Judy Clock book
  • MATH:  (self-selected) worksheet
  • READING:  BOB Books (reread Set 3 Book 2; two Dick & Jane stories) moved to Tuesday
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek
  • Evening:
    • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  Naomi’s ballet class
    • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL:  Swim classes for both kids
    • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek

PRESCHOOL:  Continue Getting Ready to Read workbook.  More freebie Simple Scissor Practice

Tuesday (Ted off) – looking back Tuesday evening, omg, what a busy day today was:

  • (davening is hard on Tuesdays bc of aerobics class & childcare first thing)
  • READING:  BOB Books (reread Set 3 Book 2; two Dick & Jane stories)
  • WRITING:  Handwriting Without Tears
  • PHONICS:  Explode the Code
  • SCIENCE:  Colour, cut out and glue HANDS on our traced full-sized bodies
  • HEBREW/SCIENCE:  Introduce “sense words” in Hebrew
  • SCIENCE:  Tu b’Shvat Hebrew “Five Senses” Activity
  • HEBREW/READING:  It’s time!  I must dig up Naomi’s Mirik Snir “Easy Reader” books and start reading these together SLOWLY on days when we’re not working on Kriyah v’Od.  You can find most of them online here, and hear them read or choose cheerful if weird sing-aloud versions!
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek (2x)
  • PARSHA:  Beshalach parsha narrative.
  • PARSHA:  Beshalach in My First Parsha Reader.

PRESCHOOL:  Drop-off “preschool” in Cedarvale Park - again.  Alone time with Naomi!


  • PHYSICAL/RECREATIONAL/FIELD TRIP:  Allen Gardens to meet Sara
  • SCIENCE/NATURE STUDY:  Exploring our sense of TOUCH in Allen Gardens (bring along a notebook and/or sketchpad)
  • HEBREW/SCIENCE:  Trees and Senses Hebrew Tu b’Shvat Activity
  • READING:  BOB Books, reread Set 3 Book 2; questions in activity book
  • READING:  One or two Dick & Jane stories
  • HEBREW:  Reread story from Tuesday.
  • HEBREW/PARSHA (if time):  Begin Aseres HaDibros copywork 
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek

PRESCHOOL:  Field trip!  Touching plants (but not the cacti)!


  • HEBREW:  continue reading/writing – Kriyah v’Od, Book 1
  • HEBREW:  continue Hebrew alef-beit website (haven’t done it in a while)
  • SCIENCE:  TOUCH experiment(s) from the Living Learning Science book (and/or Science and Your Body) – OR (if no time) TOUCH colouring page
  • WRITING (if time):  Handwriting Without Tears.
  • PHONICS (if time):  Explode the Code
  • READING (if time):  Starfall books
  • MATH:  Continue with white beans place-value lesson
  • HEBREW/PARSHA (if time):  Begin or continue Aseres HaDibros copywork 
  • SOCIAL/RECREATIONAL:  Afternoon homeschool drop-in gym time
  • LITERATURE:  On the Banks of Plum Creek

PRESCHOOL:  Starfall.

Friday (Ted off):

  • PARSHA:  Final Parsha review
  • PARSHA/NARRATION:  Parsha Narration & illustration
  • PARSHA:  Gdcast parsha video (reward for the narration)
  • OTHER:  Any work left over from Thursday that didn’t get done.  :-o

Homemade Resources We’re Enjoying This Week!

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Other Resources we love in our Homeschool!

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