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Mmm… chocolate!

lecture 014

Hmm.  Maybe the word “chocolate” is cancelled out by the word “boneset”???

Anyway, I fell in love with this nice cultivar of a fairly awful native plant in Sheridan Nurseries today, so I had to have it.  I pulled out an astilbe that was dying in the dry shade under the big cedar tree in the backyard.  Put the astilbe in a better place, I hope, or at least, a damper one. 

Note to self:  Astilbes HATE dry conditions!

lecture 015The boneset is a companion for my Dream Catcher Kolkwitzia Amabilis (aka Beauty Bush), which has done pretty much nothing for three years, but suddenly decided to start looking pretty nice; chartreuse and lovely.

lecture 020Another dark star in the garden this year:  the return of Black Lace Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)!  It is easily as big as it was at the end of the season last year and seems to be putting out lots of new growth.  Of course, as you can see, it’s two inches away from the compost pile.  But to compensate for that, it’s in almost total shade.  So I’m happy it’s thriving. 

I seem to love the combination of bright chartreuse against dark, dark foliage… fun!  This one (the black lace) also promises lovely pink flowers PLUS potentially edible fruit.  (dunno; I’d have to look into this)

lecture 013In other news, I have overseeded the lawn once again, this time with an EcoLawn wanna be called EcoTurf.  Same idea; native fescues instead of bluegrass.  Just a $10-less-per-bag price tag.

Dug out as many dandelions over the last week as I humanly could, raked the whole thing with damp peat moss and – lo and behold! – timed the seeding perfectly to receive a few obliging minutes of rain.  Hopefully more in the next few days so I don’t have to haul out the sprinkler.

Sigh… lawn… tired of lawn slavery.  Oh, no, wait:  I’m just TIRED.  Beddie-bye!!!


  1. Ugh, I need to overseed both lawns, front and back... and I'm dreading it. You don't work for chocolate, do you?

  2. I wish you could help me out with my garden.


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