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Weird Craigslist Ad

I must have too much time on my hands… or be procrastinating.  I should be folding laundry.  I should be going to bed.  But NO, I’m reading the free ads on Craigslist.  I don’t even know why I bother, really.  Here’s the ad (full text below).  I’m sure there were TONS of takers.  Such primo stuff they’re giving away!


FREE PILE / tas gratuit (Service canada 235 Queens Quay West )

Date: 2010-01-04, 8:47PM EST

massive FREE PILE starts at noon on tuesday the 5th of January, no early birds!, the location is
235 Queens Quay West Toronto in the Service Canada building
lots of weird crap, all aluminum bike, paintings, pac man sculpture stuffed with an extremely long sock doll, a telephone pole, 911 fire work with fire trucks on fire on it, ice cream sign, giant brown turd face blue nose sculpture, casio key board, moving water fall picture with sound, old skateboards, bruce lee flag, worth baseball bat, hunk of wood with eyes stuck in it, a pylon, a square wasp nest, spray foam, spray magnetic paint, office chair, electronic etch a sketch that animates, a motor cycle helmet that looks like a giant lego helmet, a dented car door with matching dented car hood, hand made no zombies picket sign, ikea hanging organizer with socks in it, picture of woman touching giant bulbous stalagmite in horn frame on horn pedestal, metal neptune symbol, big bird tape player blinks every once in a while and moves mouth erratically, standing fan, black light, air conditioner, bronze scepter, coin mechanism for paper box, wheely carts, a gabage can with a face you shove garbage into, a solid aluminum miniature sofa chair that i had a vision of on my 19th birthday, a plastic airbrush, and some coconuts, plus more.
starts at noon on tuesday the 5th of January, no early birds!,

Me, I’d have gone just to see the giant bulbous stalagmite picture.  Or the coconuts.


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