Frantic sad, sad emails from boy-boy, trapped in the Apple store at Yorkdale:
----- Original Message -----
From boy boy
To me
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 1:31 PM
Subject: is elisheva there?
I was at the apple store while ech walked around. Then she came and wanted to leave, but I wanted to stay a few more minutes. She walked out of the store, and I'm not sure which way she went. I walked back and forth twice to the subway station, but didn't see her. The problem is, I have no bus tickets. I'm at the apple store right now in case she comes back. Did she already come home?
----- My Message to Him -----
Elisheva just got home. You will have to beg mercy from a TTC collector, or find cash somehow.
----- His Reply -----
hurrah. she knew i didn't have bus tickets, and that I was still in the mall. i'll have to walk i guess.
----- My Last Message -----
Or talk to the collector... either one. You are young, and strong.
It’s like a haiku; “young, and strong.”
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