Spent most of my "productive" time this afternoon up to my neck in Neapolitan cakes... leaving this evening to single-handedly create:
~ Pumpkin cheesecake
~ Cinnamon rolls, and a...
~ HUGE ginormous mega-lasagna
The lasagna doesn't sound like much, but involved a bazillion steps: cook & drain pasta, cook & drain spinach, boil down garden tomatoes & basil into a sauce & blend with tinned tomatoes and paste, blend spinach, ricotta and egg, and then layer the whole mess together. It's currently taking up a full shelf in the downstairs fridge
Luckily, Ted was here to make his trademark famous Netivot Cookbook Salmon!
Right now, I'm shvitzing as the oven self-cleans. Three challahs to roll out and I'm done for the night! (morning?)
(they'll rise in the fridge)
Still to cook tomorrow (Friday):
Dairy soup (leek/tatoe)
Pareve cholent
Roast beets
Chocolate olive oil dessert
Finish squash soup
Make & bake Ginger cookies (from a mix, shh, don't tell...)
Broccoli salad
Sushi salad
Bake cinn buns
Streusel & bake challahs x 3
Not bad... not impossible at all.
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