Yup. It’s cheese.
I made it to go with the farmers’-market spinach I bought yesterday at City Hall. And some tinned tomatoes – it’s an Indian thing.
Also making a potatoes-and-peas curry; oh, wait… just realized that Elisheva might have left me with NO PEAS left.
Maybe a potatoes-and-beans curry. Potatoes and something, anyway. I bought a jar of VH korma sauce, and also butter chicken sauce (both with a dairy hechsher, so much for butter chicken). Just trying to decide which would be most authentic; probably the korma.
Ted’s off work but away volunteering at the Village Shul Golf Classic. It’s actually longer than a regular workday: he had to be at shul at 7 and probably won’t get home ‘till 7 (he finishes at 5:30 in Pickering). It better have been tons o’ fun.
Plus, he’s missing a great supper, if I get off my bottom here and make it!
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