This makes me very angry, as the item in question was a
birthday gift for someone who is going out of the country soon.
I should also add that having purchased in-store-pickup items without trouble from Best Buy and other online retailers, your store is the only one where I have experienced these delays.
Most retailers who claim a product is available and in stock actually mean it: you simply oversold this popular item and is clearly now rushing to fill those orders, at the expense of unsuspecting customers.
This was my first experience shopping online at The Source. I have been so disappointed that I am not likely to come back (to the website or the stores, which are messy, noisy and whose sales staff don't speak English well) anytime soon.
[OK, it sounds racist, but when I called around looking to see if any of the stores had the camera in-stock today, I could barely figure out what they were saying when they picked up. And I don't think it's truly racist if I don't identify or hold any particular grudge about their colour or country of origin. I just like to speak English and have it spoken to me in stores.]
(for what it's worth, I actually phoned yesterday and was told the item ordered was shipping today and would be available in store any day this week... and "definitely no later than Friday")
that last bit was not in my email!
Welcome to my Limudei Kodesh / Jewish Studies copywork and activity printables page. As of June 2013, I am slowly but surely moving all my printables over to 4shared because Google Docs / Drive is just too flaky for me. What you’ll find here: Weekly Parsha Copywork More Parsha Activities More Chumash / Tanach Activities Yom Tov Copywork & Activities Tefillah Copywork Pirkei Avos / Pirkei Avot Jewish Preschool Resources Other printables! For General Studies printables and activities, including Hebrew-English science resources and more, click here . For Miscellaneous homeschool helps and printables, click here . If you use any of my worksheets, activities or printables, please leave a comment or email me at Jay3fer “at” gmail “dot” com, to link to your blog, to tell me what you’re doing with it, or just to say hi! If you want to use them in a school, camp or co-op setting, please email me (remove the X’s) for rates. If you just want to say Thank You,...
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