She has a new job! Maybe a couple! Here's one of them: St. John's Bakery!
Not kosher, but if that's not a necessity for you, schlep* over there to support her!!!
* (oooh... if you don't eat kosher, maybe you don't know what schlep is. Here's the captioned version for the kosher-impaired: "haul yourself" over there. :-))))
Feeling yucky tonight. Better physically and I was going to sit down to write this article that's been hanging over my head but now I can't find the notepad I used to take notes at the inperson interview. Aaaaargh. Must be here somewhere but meanwhile. AARGH! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... it's not just about the article but about the cause which I totally admire & support. Waaaaaaaaah. :-(((
Listening to Dr Laura on WJR from detroit is helping a bit.
At least I'm not dealing with an extramarital affair. :-)
"I was not... uhh... getting the attention that my personality... needs..." Gack - what a loser this guy is.
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