Moved some parsley into an orange crate "flat" - this is an experiment. I hope it thrives, although I tried orange crates two years ago in the garden and they did miserably. This is only a temporary measure, and so far (this picture was taken five hours post-relocation) they're doing okay. They're in their little peat pellets still, so maybe the transition won't be so hard.

Left: Double-decker echinacea; Right: Gaillardia; Background: Mystery Coleus. Coleus has true leaves now, as does the gaillardia. Echinacea is being slow to start; maybe I need to water with kelp again.

Close-up of the Mystery Coleus. Leaves are looking promising - I can't wait to see their colours!!!

And here are some baby petunias, FINALLY starting to leaf out a bit. Someone posted online that once petunias get started, they really go fast. The teeny-tiny ones in the background are my Butterfly Bush (buddleia davidii). Some have one true leaf, but they are slow starters as well, apparently. I have to remember that the petunias were that size just a week or so ago, so I have high hopes that they, too, will start to grow soon...
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